Friday, June 17, 2011

Six Minute English: The answers to the latest quiz

Hello everyone. I am sorry that over two weeks have passed since my last message. My excuse must be that here at the British Council Rome we have been holding end-of-course tests which have taken up a lot of time to correct. But that's now over, so at last I can give you the answers to the last Six Minute English quiz that I posted at the very end of May. Here they are:

1. This week's official question: Who was the first celebrity to have more than 10 million people following his or her updates on Twitter?
b) Lady Gaga

2. Social media offer people an easy and entertaining way of staying in contact with those they know and trust. (one word in each space.)

3. Alice uses social media especially with friends who live abroad.

4. BBC Technology Correspondent Mark Gregory mentions that social networking sites are an obvious target for scams involving impersonation.

5. From how many computers has Microsoft taken its information? Six hundred million.

6. What exactly are “phishing” frauds? What do they encourage you to do? Provide important personal information such as your user name or password.

7. How can you protect yourself from a scam? Be careful about what information you provide online; be vigilant about suspicious emails.

Many thanks to Giovanni and Mauro for their answers. Gabriella tried to leave her answers in a comment but for some reason it did not work. However, it is usually easy to leave a comment. You need to choose an 'identity' option - I suggest the 'Name/URL' and just leave your name. Then you need to copy the coloured letters you will see on the screen into a special window. This is an anti-spam measure. It ensures that only actual human beings can leave messages, thus excluding computer robots.

Give me a few days to compose another Six Minute English Quiz. It will be early next week. Meanwhile, do continue exploring this Blog and the Internet for more opportunities to practise your English. It's vital to maintain your contact with English over the summer period when you're on holiday, as it is very easy to forget everything you learnt.

So keep returning to the British Council's 'Learn English' site, and to the BBC's 'Learning English'. Why not try listening to 'Posh People' on the latest Six Minute English? What does 'Posh People' mean? Post your answers on the Tag Board.

More early next week!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Skype out call for GLD

+1 603-413-8003

Global Learn Day ten year jubilee!

The European section of the international, Gloab Learn Day will start at 12 noon GMT. Right now I am listening to a fine conversation between Jeff, Janet Feldman and John Hibbs. Just now talking about the famous book "The long tail" which I have not read myself. John H. also known as Skipper, is pushing Community Radio. Janet mentions an e-forum. John says the European part will be sent from an Irish Dublin radio station, and that we should be mouse quiet while Moira Hunter from Paris will run her session like a radio show, so be mouse quiet!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Reflections on pedagogy

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Half an Hour: Things You Really Need to Learn

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Evo05 as a Webgraph

Here is our blog as a webgraph. You can make one for yourself at Websites as Graphs and read more about this meme.

blue: for links (the A tag)
red: for tables (TABLE, TR and TD tags)
green: for the DIV tag
violet: for images (the IMG tag)
yellow: for forms (FORM, INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT and OPTION tags)
orange: for linebreaks and blockquotes (BR, P, and BLOCKQUOTE tags)
black: the HTML tag, the root node
gray: all other tags

Looks nice, doesn't it? Check the other webgraphs on Flickr

Friday, May 19, 2006

Utlizing Old Tools for Blogs & Blogging!

I came across a post to EdTechPost by Scott Leslie, titled Matrix of some uses of blogs in education
that I thought some of you might be interested in.

Please have a look and let's start a discussion on ways to further utilize blogs and blogging and ways to impliment some creative ideas for our classes.

Best wishes :)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ol' blogger back...

I have just started a blogging project with two EFL classes. The main site is - and there are links from there to the two class blogs. I wonder if anyone is interested in sharing experiences about setting up class blogs...