Friday, May 27, 2005

Open Weekend on blogging (by Sus) started now at Knowplace

You're invited to join our free Open Weekend on Blogging from Friday 27 to Sunday 29 (closing down again at 19 GMT)
search on the knowplace front page for the Open Weekends link in the right side frame.

I think this direct URL will take you there, once you're registered as a user of this Moodle site

I'm hosting this as a promotion for a weeklong course I'll prepare for later this year, also for getting some more hands-on concrete experience with Moodle collaboration. Some participants are beginners and others are advanced Webheads. One for all, and all for one!

Monday, May 23, 2005

El Blog de ED!

I am really happy with the blogs my architecture and urban planning students are creating for the course. Even though they are writing about the same readings each blog reflects different approaches and visions. This is Eduardo's blog:


El Blog de ED!


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Vance and Yaodong in China

Originally uploaded by evo05.
Vance projects the photoblog page he made while travelling in China.
Many of the webheads, spread all over the world, have been meeting f2f.

Hala is presenting now from Sudan, with two lions lying on her porch. Can you imagine this?
As she says her grandfather would never have thought what we are doing today would be at all possible.

WiA is a very cohesive group and Teresa D'Eça has documented much of what has been done online

The regular Sunday meetings at Tappedin do not focus on specific topics but people suggest and share what they have been doing and from then on the sessions progresses *serendipiously*.

WiA at the Tutor Mentor Conference - opening

The Tutor and Mentor Sunday Econference has just started with the Webheads joining in Michael Coghlan singing live from Adelaide, Australia. The song he has composed and that has been sung at many other online gatherings like this year's Tesol convention and with Aiden Yeh's students in Taiwan. Happy Online has become a WiA anthem.
Vance is introducing how the Webheads in Action Group Started and Maggi Dotty tells us how much she has enjoyed leading the Writing for Webheads Saturday sessions for students and the Tappedin tours.
We are all introducing ourselves now so I'd better go back there . See you later :-)