Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Some more blogging resources

Thanks for the terrific wiki used by the Scottish Qualifications Authorit, Lesley.
I also remind all readers to consult the live chats recorded with various guest speakers on the right hand side column of this blog.

There is also James' Farmer's paper:
Communication dynamics: Discussion boards, weblogs and the development of communities of inquiry in online learning environments
Jason Reagin's How the blog can change English Language Teaching
and Jason Ward's Blog Assisted Language Learning (BALL): Push button publishing for the pupils

Just to mention a few :-)
But the real treat is to read and thread conversations in blogosphere :-)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Weblogs:An Introduction - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks

In response to Graeme's question:

Weblogs:An Introduction - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks

is a wiki that might be a good starting point for anyone starting to study blogs. It "is designed for use by candidates studying for Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)"

Friday, February 10, 2006

Evidence of Blogging Success

I've just seen that our site is a featured resource in the online part of a seminar next week. Organised by the British Council, with many attendees in Manchester, and many more attending virtually through a Moodle, the theme is 'ICT in ELT: Putting the learning back into ICT'

One of the questions that has arisen regarding blogging is whether there are any
well-researched articles or studies (online or in print) on blogging in education.

They don't have to be related to language learning.

Can our blogging community help out by posting links and references to articles you know of?
I'm sure this could become a resource that we can all make use of.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Part of MY world :)

A young woman in Jordan is feeflecting on the idea of soul mates in her blog:
"Soul mates can have various types of relationships, which do not always include romantic love. We tend to think of our soul mate as The One who is there for us and to make us feel complete.

Soul mates can be close friends, co-workers, a teacher, anyone who influences your life one way or another. They play the emotional - spiritual - physical - and mental - games of third dimension with you."

Read more about her life and see pictures from a family christmas with splendid decorations. This kind of lifeworld blogging gives insight into how people live.

Part of MY world :)