Thursday, February 17, 2005

Our photoroll

I found our photoroll, and as the absent minded, elsewhere busy student I've been in this class, I've missed the info about where to post mine.

I can tell you that I've got one at - it was a fun story because I posted this photo after a group meeting where the teleconference was stressing me to test a new invention -and to my surprise this mug shot won an award in the categroy Funniest moment in a live session (I think it was). read more at the Learning Online Live Award page. (Those bastards at Learning Times, did they KNOW what Lolas mean in Spanish? Daf was laughing out loud when she heard this - acronyms are intriguing ways to impress & puzzle people: AAIWTI&PP )

But perhaps I'm supposed to post it in our Yahoogroups files folder? let me know, if so.

OOOH - I can even see if it will load right here - wait - the image button, I've switched over to Mozilla on Mac, blogger editor looks MUCHO better!


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